Saturday, April 18, 2020

Turn 2 Results 1765-66

First of all, I want to apologize to all of my players.  Despite the current situation, my workload has actually increased.  I am grateful that I have a job I can continue to work on from home, I am more fortunate than my neighbors who work in manufacturing or other jobs.  But, I does interfere with gaming!

I have finally adjudicated turn 2, see HERE for the arguments.

Let's make the next arguments due at midnight EST Monday, 4/20, and you can post them in the comments for this post. It will be for Turn 3 1767-1768. Please continue to make 1 argument per turn, you guys are doing great (I hope I am not letting you down)

Here is a map with events from turns 1 and 2, I will produce this every turn going forward, click to enlarge.

Here is a summary of events:

  • In 1765 Parliament passed a series of taxes to increase revenue from the colonies in order to refill the empire's coffers, but the large number of members of parliament who are friendly to the Low Country Planters included a provision specifically exempting Rice and Indigo from the new export duties.  This cuts significantly in to the revenue generated and creates friction between South Carolina and the other colonies for their preferential treatment.
  • The new Royal Colonial Customs Service continues to reduce smuggling, which has some effect on the Low Country Planter's pockets, but that is partially offset by the continued flow of Rice and Indego from the colony.
  • All is not quiet in the low country, though, as there is a sharp spike in the number of slaves attempting to run away to the backcountry or Cherokee lands.  Most are quickly recaptured and rumors abound that the Cherokee are responsible...
  • In the backcountry, in direct violation of British Law, backcountry farmers violate the proclamation line and settle over the mountains, traveling along the "Cherokee Highway." Relations between the settlers and Cherokee are so far cordial, with Cherokee territory secure and the settlers having a safe passage west.
  • Circuit Courts has also been established in the backcountry, which improves order in the region, as the farmers in the region no longer need to travel to Charles Town for legal redress or take the law into their own hands.
  • In the midst of the turmoil of the increased raids by Creek Indians, slave escapes, and flouting of the law by backcountry settlers, a battalion of British Regulars (1st Battalion, 33rd Regiment of Foot) 500 men strong, lands in Charles Town to assist the colonial government in maintaining order.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

1763 - 1764 Turn 1 results

First of all, congratulations to all of the players! You all displayed a lot of ingenuity and I think this bodes well for our little enterprise.  Remember to only make 1 argument per turn.

Don't forget, Turn 2 arguments are due by midnight Friday EST, you can post them HERE.

For those of you who have not plays a Matrix game before, arguments are generally made public, so all turn 1 arguments are posted HERE

Here is a summary, this is your new reality and feel free to springboard off of these


Argument Strong, rolled a 4, success!!!

Desperate for funds, Parliament decides to end its salutary neglect of the colonies.  They pass regulations to send additional tax collectors to aid the Royal Governors at all their major trading ports - including Georgetown, Charleston, and Beaufort.  This newly reinforced customs service is made up mostly of young ne'er-do-wells, drunken younger sons of Earls, and other benefits of patronage.

Royal Government

Both arguments were judged as Strong, but alas, I rolled a 2 and 1 one for the arguments and they both failed.

Efforts by the Royal Governor to establish a reinforced customs service using volunteers from the backcountry meets with lukewarm response and is overshadowed by the newly arrived Royal custom service established by Parliament.

A separate effort to attempt to establish better relations with the Cherokee by arming them also peters out, as the Colonial Assembly outright refuses to provide funds to their feared enemies.

Low Country Planters

One argument was judged as Strong and succeeded with a roll of 5...

Low Country Farmers reach out to members of Parliament and provide "low-interest loans" to certain respected gentlemen of the Hous of Commons which has the effect of making many friends for the Rice Kings in London.

The other argument was judged as Weak and failed with a roll of 2...

One of the Rice Kings attempts to form a Society for the Improvement of Labor aimed at improving conditions of the slaves upon which they depend. This proposal is met with disdain by other members of the low country aristocracy, who fear any relaxation of the Slave Codes, plus anything that cuts into their profits.

Back Country Farmers

I judged this one as moderate, but it succeeded with a roll of 6.

The leaders of the rough and tumble backcountry entertain Cherokee leaders in a large feast and a proposal to the Cherokee leaders for peace, a possible alliance with them against their enemies, in return for a road to be established through Cherokee lands to the Mississippi valley.  The Cherokee cautiously agree but will be very vigilant about protecting their own territory.

There are also rumors reaching the ears of the Rice Kings of contacts being made between freedmen living in the Back Country and potentially rebellious slaves.  Nothing can be substantiated, but rumors persist.


(This was a long and complex argument from Jack, so I have broken it down a little)
Creek Indian raids from Georgia happen to coincide with Cherokee leaders extending an olive branch to both the Back Country farmers, the Rice King, and the Royal Government.  Given the attacks, these are warmly accepted.  The low country establishment and Royal government reaffirm the proclamation line of 1763 and send an order to the Back Country settlers explicitly forbidding any action across the Cherokee Boundary.

The Back Country leadership proposes potential passage for settlers through the Cherokee nation, to which the Cherokee cautiously agree, with the knowledge that they can close the passage at any point they want to with the support of the Crown Government.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

UPDATE: New Player and Reprint instructions

Submit arguments here!

As you guys work on your first arguments, we are adding an additional player, Thaddeus from The Wargames Website.  he will be an additional Backcountry Farmer.

Also, many of you may be unfamiliar with the geography of colonial South Carolina, you can download the Map from the link with the player briefings.

In a nutshell:

  • The Low Country is dominated by the super-wealthy Rice Kings on their huge rice plantations
  • As a result, Charles Town is the richest city in the colonies
  • The backcountry is made up of small farmers, many of whom want to push west.
  • There is a LOT of animosity between the backcountry and the low country as the Low Country has most fo the political power in the colony (Google Regulator Wars)
Here is are the instructions again: 


A simulation of the events and factions in the colony of South Carolina leading up to the American Revolution. The players will have a better understanding of the dynamics between the different interests and the goals an constraints of the major groups.


It is 1763 and the treaty of Paris ending the French and Indian (Seven Years) war has just been signed.  The British government urgently needs to recover the money spent defending the North American colonies.
You represent one of the major interested parties in the colony of South Carolina, and your arguments will steer the fate of the colony.  As you will see the motivations and goals in this quintessential southern colony differs from the more well-known events around Boston.


To prepare for this game:
  • Read all of the player briefings, not just your own.  It will help you understand each player’s goals, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • You do NOT need to have an in depth understanding of the complex event leading up to the revolution.  Playing this game will give you a better understanding of the dynamics in South Carolina, and you may privately ask the Umpire historical questions during the game.   How they are answered is at the umpire’s discretion. 

How to play a Matrix Game

There are many ways to play an Engle’s Matrix Game and many types of games.  For this simulation we will use the following rules.
The game will be played in turns, each representing one to two years:
1763 - 1764
1765- 1766
1767 - 1768
1769 - 1770

Each turn, the players will construct an argument as to what happens that turn and email them to the umpire by the deadline for that turn.  It will consist of:
  • A statement of WHAT happens
  • 2 -4 reasons WHY the argument should succeed
The argument will then be rated by the umpire as VERY STRONG, STRONG, MODERATE, WEAK, or VERY WEAK.
A d6 is rolled and the argument succeeds on the following roll:
Very Strong
Very Weak

If the roll succeeds, then the argument happens and it becomes part of reality.
Here are some tips:
  • An argument can be about anything and does not even have to be directly about your side.  For example, you could argue that the Cherokee attack or that your opponent suffers dissension in the ranks.
  • An argument does not even have to be directly in the colony of South Carolina, for example, you could argue “Boston patriots riot” or “France attempts to invade Ireland.”
  • Building arguments on previously successful arguments makes them stronger.  For example, if one turn you argue “my side builds a spy network” and the next turn you argue, “My side steals the enemy’s plans” you have a stronger argument than if you just argue you steal plans out of the gate.
If your argument conflicts with another player’s argument, such as you both attach the same town, etc., then the umpire will assign a strength to each argument.  Then the umpire will conduct roll offs between them until one of the arguments fails.

End of Turn

After arguments have been submitted for the turn, the umpire will adjudicate the arguments and provide an update to all of the players as to what succeeded and what did not.  A map of the colony may also be provided that shows anything of note that happened that turn.
The umpire may also provide some events that occur outside of SC that were not argued for by the players, to represent events in Europe or the other colonies, at the umpire’s discretion.

New game kickoff!

As promised, here are the role assignments for the new game.  Here is what you need to do:

  1. Read ALL of the player briefings so you are familiar with each factions strengths and weaknesses (and goals!)
  2. Make sure you have read the Player Instructions
  3. Read the previous blog posts for examples

Then... Write up your first argument for the 1763-64 Turn and email it to me and SEND IT AS A COMMENT TO THIS BLOG POST.  I have set it up so that I approve all comments so you do not have to worry about the other players seeing your arguments ahead of time

Get your first arguments to me by Midnight EST on Sunday so I can adjudicate and post reults

Do not overthink it and just dive in!

If you really want background reading though, you cannot do better than The Road to Guilford Courthouse.

Here are the assignments:

Royal Governor (and Lt Governor) 
  • Guy Farrish
  • Whirlwind

  • Julie

Back Country Farmers
  • Kyoteblue

Low Country Planters:
  • Shawn
  • Daniel

  • Just Jack

Saturday, October 14, 2017

1773 - Future : Final Turn Results and Reflection

And the final winning argument is, ironically, the Royal Governor!  Have no fear of mischief, my wife supervised my die rolls and the Royal Governor personally does not fair well.  Read all the way through to the bottom for some reflections, and please feel free to leave comments and suggestions!

Image result for british troops victorious american revolution

1773 - ????

With the onset of open warfare in the colonies, the crown position in the South is secure.  Charles Town itself is firmly under Crown control and the loyal back-country militias assist in hunting down the Low Country Planters who have taken to the swamp to wage a guerrilla war.  The Former low country militias are ineffective, as they are short on arms and eventually degenerate into bands of brigands. 
    Amnesty is offered to Low Country planters that abandon rebellion and return to the fold, else their plantations will be confiscated and awarded to loyalists.  With no real base of support nor commercial activity to support them, many of the rebellious planters defect back to the Crown, with the remaining ones being hunted down over the years 1774-1776.
        The Rebellion in the middle and New England Colonies proceeds differently, with the cunning George Washington avoiding catastrophic battlefield defeat time and time again.  Eventually, in the north the Crown only holds New York City proper, as the conflict widens with France and Spain declaring war on Britain.  But… 
          In the South, with the South Carolina colony secure, the Crown launches an offensive against the Spanish in Louisiana and a simultaneous push by the SC Militia across the proclamation line into Cherokee territory and beyond.  By the time the Treaty of Paris of 1779 is signed, the situation looks like this:
          • Britain recognizes the independence of a “United States of America” that consists of New England down to Virginia.  It is strictly restricted to its existing territory, with the British firmly in control of the Ohio valley.
          • The Colony of South Carolina is divided, with the back country being incorporated as the colony of Western Carolina, extending through former Cherokee and Spanish territories to the Mississippi river.
          • The Former low Country is now just “South Carolina” and exists purely as a subsidiary of British colonies in the Caribbean, providing them with Rice to feed the slaves on the sugar plantations.
          • The former Royal Governor becomes the first Governor of Western Carolina, but is removed from office under a cloud of corruption charges linked to land speculation.  He dies in obscurity in London in 1811.
            During the global conflict against Napoleon a generation later, the tiny “United States” foolishly declares war on Britain and allies with the French.  They are quickly crushed and reincorporated into the British Empire, although guerrilla war would continue in New England for decades until the American colonies are given full representation in Parliament in 1817.


              A few brief reflections from your umpire, but first a HUGE thanks to the players!  Please give them a quick round of applause!

              Here are some of my thoughts:

              • Running a Matrix Game via email is very different than running one face to face.  Not better or worse, just different, as there is less interaction between player arguments within a turn.
              • About 6 turns seems to be a good number for a game.  Originally I targeted 9, but 6 seems to be a better balance, especially with folks having actual lives to lead!
              • I believe that this is a valuable historical exercise, especially when you compare it with what actually happened, and can be a spur for deeper reading and understanding.  Historically, the majority of the back country allied with the low country during the war.  Why, when it seems like that is against their interests. (I suggest you read The Road to Guilford Courthouse for some of the answers!)
              I think I will take a few months off of Matrix games and ruminate.  I would like to run another one, maybe a more military campaign style.

              If you are interested in Matrix games, I urge you to just dive in and try!  I found umpiring to be a very rewarding experience.

              Please leave any comments or observations you may have, and I will announce my next Matrix Game project here.  Meanwhile, you can follow all of the amazing (?) action over at my main gaming blog.  You can also find all of the files and the turn log for this game here.

              Until next time, good gaming!

                Monday, October 2, 2017

                1771 - 1772 : Turn 5 Results

                A quick aside, first apologies for taking a while to get this up, we were out of town this past weekend, so took me a while to get the results up.  A few observations before we dive in.  In the interest of fair play and a better game, I never, ever read the players arguments until I have made my own.  This lead to some really nice surprises as you can see. 

                • I was wondering when someone would play the slave rebellion card (good work Julie!)  It was a perennial fear of the planters, for more information, look up the Stono Rebellion and Denmark Vesey.  Unfortunantly for the Back Country Farmers, a well constructed argument failed before the whims of Fortuna...
                • The Low Country planters played a low probability argument hat had HUGE implications.
                • See the bottom of this entry for Special Instructions for the players for next turn
                Now on with our story... 

                1771- 1772

                • Rumors circulate of a possible slave revolt in the low country.  Tensions are high for a few months, but nothing comes of it.
                • Parliament issues an order disarming unsanctioned (IE with Crown officer oversight)militias.  Effectively, this only impacts the low country, as the unified back-country militia has as Crown advisers for 6 years. The Crown Regiment stationed in Charles Town seizes the weapons of the Charles Town militia and completely disarm them.  The Crown is now firmly in control of the city and now collecting the customs revenue due the King.
                • The Royal Governor issues an arrest warrant for the leaders of the Low Country Militia.  In his usual bumbling way, this is a complete failure and they all slip through his clutches.
                • Meanwhile, the Low Country planters have sent delegates to Philadelphia to the Continental Congress.  After weeks of debate, the Congress issues a Declaration of Independence!  A Continental Army is formed outside of Boston under the command of a Virginia militia Colonel named George Washington.  The South Carolina delegates return to their homes to take to the swamps with their remaining militia, who are short on arms, but have huge supplies of powder.

                Click Map to enlarge

                Detailed Arguments and results

                Back Country Farmers - Strong, FAILED (1)

                While the back-country farmers have been solidifying their court system and defending their land from the Cherokee, they have noticed the growing unrest from the low country farmer’s slaves.  As the year starts the unrest reaches a boiling point, and there is a major slave revolt and severely impacts the safety, profits and political power of the low country farmers.  The revolt severely impacts the farmers because:

                A. The low country plantation owners have been distracted by their political machinations and been driven by their pursues of political power and wealth.  They have not paid attention to the ever increasing anger at the slaves unjust treatment.
                B. The slaves easily outnumber the low country farmers by 6:1.
                C. The slaves are mostly strong and fit from working (in somewhat malnourished) and sadly accustomed to harsh conditions.
                D. The back country farmers, no supporters of the slavery system, have not stopped slaves from gathering and moving through their territory (as long as no citizens or property is harmed.). If a few weapons have gone missing, it may have been overlooked.

                Royal Governor - Moderate, FAILED (3)

                In response to the "Charles Town Powder Party" the Royal Governor will issue arrest warrants for all of the senior officers of the low country militias, who also happen to be the richest members of the planter class.  They will be arrested and transported to London for trial.
                This will succeed because:
                - The Royal governor is incensed by the blatant slap in the face to Royal authority
                - The Royal Governor now has access to a whole regiment of regulars in Charles Town to enforce the warrants

                Parliament - Strong, SUCCEED(5)
                Any militia that isn’t under Royal officer guidance is going to have their weapons confiscated, “To provide a source of arms to combat the Indian threat” and we’re going to start using those troops to enforce customs collection along the way. 
                This will succeed because:

                *Our officers have had a few years to influence some of the militia’s to our cause.

                *Colonial militia are cowardly rabble that will not stand up to the stirring sight of a line of redcoats.

                *Our troops are professionals.

                Low Country Planters- Weak, SUCCEED(5)
                The low Country Planters will send delegates to the Continental Congress.  In  cooperation with their New England allies, they will declare independence!  This will succeed because:
                - There have been multiple incidents in both New England and in South Carolina of heavy handed action by the crown forces.
                - The SC Low Country Planters have secretly been funding the Sons of Liberty in New England for the past 6 years
                - The Low Country Militias have ready access to powder after seizing the magazine in Charles Town and hiding it in the swamps

                Next Turn - Finale
                Events in our humble simulation have out stripped historical events.  In 1773, we now have a Continental Army beginning to besiege Boston as well as Crown occupation of Charles Town, a much better position than the British were in historically.  But things could go either direction, with a strong, well organized back country militia that could tip the balance any way they like.

                For your final argument of the game, I would like each player to submit what they believe the outcome of the war will be, with specific mention of what happens to South Carolina and your faction in particular.  Support this with reasons as you normally would.

                To help, see the map provided below with a summary of the military and political situation in the colony / state.  

                Stay tuned for the outcome of this so called "American Revolution!"

                Thursday, September 21, 2017

                1769-1770 : Turn 4 Results

                Apologies for the delayed posting, but regular life had intervened.  

                And administrative note first.  We will do 3 more turns after this one:

                • 1771-1772
                • 1773-1774
                • 1775
                Let's see where this leads!

                1769- 1770

                • The Royal Governor cuts off supplies of gun powder to the militias and will only issue powder to Royal officers.
                • The Low Country militias, led by the planters, dressed as Cherokee Indians, overpower the meager guard force and take control of the Powder Magazine in Charles Town!  They empty the magazine and hide the gun powder supplies in various secret locations in the low country swamps.
                • A month after the "Charles Town Powder Party," A full regiment of troops arrive in Charles Town, having been dispatched by parliament to enforce taxes and quell sedition.
                • The back country militias watch the developing situation.  Cherokee raids are now restricted to attacking over mountain men settlements that violate the proclamation line.
                • A mob attacks British troops guarding the customs house in Boston.  Nervous troops open fire, killing 5 civilians.  The Sons of Liberty immediately dub this "The Boston Massacre"
                • New England colonial leaders issue a call to all of the colonies to send representatives to a "Continental Congress" in 1771 to determine what sort of collective action should be taken against "Royal Oppression."
                Click Map to enlarge

                Detailed Arguments and results

                Royal Governor - Strong, SUCCESS

                The Royal Governor will cut off access to powder from the magazine in Charles Town and will only issue powder to officers with a Royal commission. As a result the low country militia wil be cut off from powder supplies and back country militias will only recive powder if they have Royal officers attached.

                This will succeed because:
                • Previously, the magazine was secured by a company of regular troops under the authority of the governor 
                • This action is completely within the Governor's authority
                • It supports Parliament's goal of discouraging locally controlled militias

                Low Country Planters - Strong, SUCCESS

                The Low Country unified militia, disguised as Cherokee Indians, will seize the powder magazine in Charles Town at night, remove the powder and hide it in different secret locations in the low country swamps. This will succeed because:
                • The planters control the low country and with their widespread smuggling network, can easily transport and hide the powder.
                • The Low Country militia were previously unified under the command of the big planters
                • The Powder Magazine is only lightly guarded by one company of troops and can easily be over powered
                • The Low Country militias are angry that the Royal governor has seized the magazine.

                Parliament - Strong, SUCCESS

                Parliament is observing the belligerence of the Spanish and growing separatist sentiments and will begin to shore up its presence in the colonies.

                A regiment of Redcoats will be sent to the colony to help deter any Spanish shenanigans. While there, they will also serve as a visible reminder of Royal authority and will assist in the deterrence of smugglers and enforcement of taxes as needed.

                We will accompany this by regular proclamations of the “Spanish Threat” and calls for unity and discipline in the face of rabble-rousers and foreign incursions.

                This will succeed because:
                • We have ample troops available.
                • The strong back-country militias are able to fend off Cherokee provocations, allowing the regiment to focus on revenue collection and internal security.
                • We can improve local participation with a bounty system, supervised by the military attache’s we have provided the militia.
                POTENTIAL CONFLICT

                Will the Regiment arrive from England in time before the Low Country planters attack the powder magazine?  I rated this as weak, due to the communication delay between the Americas and London and roll.  It fails, so the Regiment arrives in Charles Town to find the magazine already emptied...

                Back country Farmers - Status Quo

                They are laying low right now, content with their own justice system and strong defense against the Cherokee.

                But... Increased restriction of smuggling and more customs duties is increasing the cost of living in the back country, as all of their finished goods come via the port of Charles Town.

                Tuesday, September 12, 2017

                1767 - 1768 : Turn 3 Results

                Thank you agains to all of the participants and observers.  Please feel free to post comments, I have moderation turned off, so you can use the post comments to discuss.  Note that the Royal Governor finally had a successful argument.

                Also, if you are like me and too lazy to roll your office chair 5 feet to get one of your 37,387 six sided dice, I recommend you use for your random number generation needs.   Unlike most computer pseudo-random number generators, this site uses truly random atmospheric noise.   Use it to make all your major life choices!

                Now, return with me to colonial South Carolina!

                1767 - 1768

                The colony is in flux, but despite what those Low COuntry planters would have you think, South Carolina is not the only place things happen in the world...  Here are some events of interest outside of the player's arguments.  Players, these events are now part of reality, feel free to reference them in your future arguments

                • There is a rising tide of discontent in the northern colonies with increasing taxes, especially in Boston.   The Royal Governor of Massachusetts has asked for and received a contingent of redcoats to help restore order.
                • The Spanish Ambassador to the court of St. James privately expresses Spanish disapproval for British settler encroachment beyond the 1763 proclamation line in direct violation of existing treaties. They are concerned that pressure on the Cherokee would encourage them to migrate west, directly or indirectly impacting Spanish Louisiana. He hints that Spain may consider supplying the Cherokee and it would be unfortunate if it came to that.
                Meanwhile, back in the colony of South Carolina:
                • The Royal Governor requests and receives a company of troops reporting directly to him to secure the powder magazine in Charles Town.
                • Parliament dispatches additional customs agents and cutters backed up by the Royal Navy to combat smuggling and increase tax revenues.
                • The Back Country militias, armed and trained by the British Army, continue to successfully defend against Cherokee raids and send letters to the Crown and Parliament petitioning for greater representation in colonial government.  They have also succeeded in establishing law and order completely separate from the court system in Charles Town.
                • The Low Country planters still have a unified militia, but fail in a bid to unite with the Back Country militia and place them under command of the planters with promises of more representation and a court system.
                Click Map to Enlarge

                Detailed Arguments and results

                Royal Governor - Strong, SUCCESS

                The colony is in turmoil with increased Cherokee raids and the Low Country Planters unifying the low country militias.

                The Royal Governor passes on this alarming news to Parliament, which authorizes a company sized detachment of troops to be deployed to Charles Town to secure the Powder Magazine, and be placed under direct authority of the Royal Governor.

                1) While the back country militias are officially sanctioned and supported by the Crown with weapons, powder, and advisors, the Low Country's militia unification efforts have not been.  As a result, Parliament will see this as a threat to Crown authority and will want to ensure that the powder stays under Crown control. 

                2) The number of troops requested to secure the magazine (a company) is small and easily afforded, but is enough to secure the magazine from any malicious action by the low country militias.  It is also small enough not to be seen as an occupation force by the locals, merely as security during the current conflict with the Cherokee, and will be welcomed by most.

                3) Furthermore, it will ensure the Crown advisors and sanctioned backcountry militias have a ready access to powder for any conflicts with the Cherokee. 

                Parliament - Strong, SUCCESS

                Parliament is getting concerned about the decrepit revenues flowing into its coffers from the colonies.

                We will begin dispatching tax officials, police officials and military men to the colonies to help shore up tax enforcement and crack down on smuggling operations.

                These individuals will be granted a large degree of oversight and individual initiative to handle things as they see fit, compensating for the delay in communications.

                This will succeed because:

                A: We have one of the best-functioning bureaucracies in the world and extensive experience in handling far-flung colonies.

                B: Up-country, we can now rely on the back country militias to help track down smuggling routes inland and outside the colony by land routes.

                C: We can publicly make the case that we need additional revenues to combat the cherokee threat and to ensure safety from rampaging vigilantes.

                Back Country Farmers - Strong, SUCCESS

                The rising leaders among the backcountry folk are initially wary of the “guidance” offered by the young officers of the Kings Own Armed Forces, but soon find these officers to be creative and free-thinking young men who integrate surprisingly well with the backcountry ideology.  The creative military guidance and reinforcement of weaponry allow the backcountry militia to regulate the native threats, and they begin to apply a more organized system of justice to the local lawlessness.  The leaders of the backcountry also begin to more forcefully push their petitions to the Crown for representation.
                They will be successful because:
                1.       Parliament’s investment in the leadership and weaponry increases the might of the already strong militia and strengthens the resolve of the backcountry men.

                2.       The creative and free-thinking royal officers are anxious to take advantage of their opportunities in the new world and strive to prove their loyalty to the crown through acts of bravery in the backcountry.

                3.       The backcountrymen desire to establish a lawful and orderly environment within which their families and farms can prosper, and are infuriated by the seditious smuggling activity of the low country planters.  The backcountry leaders frequently share their concerns with the young officers.

                4.       In their petitions, the leaders point out their obedience to the crown in defending the colony against the hostile natives.  They argue that stronger representation will allow them to prosper and provide greater support to the crown.

                Low Country Planters - Moderate, FAIL
                Tensions seem to be rising and we sense that the King, Parliament, and that weak Royal Governor will insist on their portion of our financial gains regardless of our demands. Therefore, the low country has decided to shake the King’s arrogance and indifference by using our combined fortunes. We will begin a champagne to woo the back country away from their most selfishly singular focus of self-protection and have them align themselves and their newly formed militia with the low countries cause. 

                We will do this by promising the back country more legal representation and greater political say in the colony, if their militia will agree to fall to the command of the Low countries leadership. Thus, forming a Colonial Army. This unity will shock the King and Parliament and strike fears of rebellion far and wide. All the while we will continue to send parliament the most benign reasons for this unification. Stating that the unity of these militias is simply to support and protect the back country from uprisings and native raids.  

                We will certainly succeed as the back country has long requested support from the King in the form of troops to fight the Natives, squash slave rebellions, and protect against the rising problem of bothersome gangs of thieves. Additionally, we already hold most of the power in the colonial government and can easily give up a few seats in parliament to appease them. The low country planters can finance any possible counter terms made by the back-country rabble. They will certainly bow to their betters here in the Low Country. 

                Saturday, September 9, 2017

                1765 - 1766 : Turn 2 Results

                Thanks again for everyone getting their arguments in.  A bit more conflict this time, as I observed on one of the discussion threads on The Miniatures Page, the first turn folks tend to be "nice."  But now, we are starting to see the game of power politics!

                My wife judged the strength of my arguments and supervised the dice rolls, as can be seen by the Royal Governor's continued failures!

                Look at the format of the arguments, the Low Country planters have baked in some f the reasons within their narrative, this is perfectly acceptable. Also, we have our first example of conflicting arguments below, take a look at how I handled it.  This is not the only way, the umpire has a lot of discretion, tell me what you think!


                1765 - 1766

                The colony is starting to turn into something of an armed camp, with the local militias unifying, Parliament providing weapons and advisors to the backcountry, and increased Cherokee activity on the frontier.
                • The Cherokee have begun raiding the backcountry and burned two farms, but are strongly opposed by the Backcountry militia
                • The Backcountry militias continue to conduct organized patrols and additionally have started to act as a police force, administering justice.  There is no organized court system in the back country and they are now creating their own justice.
                • The Low Country planters are unifying the low country militias, ostensibly due to the increased Cherokee threat, but actually enabling them to cover their smuggling activities. They also secretly send money to the Sons of Liberty in New England.
                • Parliament sends surplus weapons and powder from the French and Indian War to reinforce the backcountry militia, as well as providing officers from the army to act as advisors.
                • The Royal Governor attempts to form an extra-legal "Royal Auxiliary" made up of poor low country citizens to prevent smuggling.  They would have been paid by 50% of profits from seized goods, but no one volunteers, especially when they can sign up for the Low Country militia and be paid cash. 
                Click Map to enlarge

                Detailed Arguments and results

                Backcountry Farmers - Strong, SUCCESS

                With the native Indian threat tamped down during the last two years, the backcountry farmers continue to strengthen their network of patrols and expand their focus to include protecting homes and families from villainy among their own population.  This will happen because:
                1. The backcountry farmers' militia is bolstered by the success of their network of patrols that have protected their property and families over the last two years.
                2. The network of patrols has helped develop a sense of community throughout the back country as neighbors work to protect one another.
                3. The backcountry farmers do not have much beyond their modest property and their families, so protecting both is crucial, regardless of who is making the threat.
                4. Our strong militia is made up of well-armed men of action; quiet patrols with little-to-no Indian engagement may slowly lose its appeal.  Empowering the militia to also deal with more localized criminals - thieves, rapists, arsonists, etc. - curbs the boredom they may feel when patrolling for native American threats.
                5. With the lack of interest in the backcountry by the low country farmers, Royal Governor and Parliament - the backcountry farmers feel their only recourse is making their own justice.

                Low Country Planters - Strong, SUCCESS

                We should probably do nothing as we are still sitting handsomely economically, socially, and of course, having the ear of Parliament... However, the full hit of the Stamp Act is upon us. Our profits, although still hardy, are being impacted not only by the requirement of a Stamp on our exports but on the increased tax of those finished goods all Southerners have come to depend upon. In fact, the natives have begun to raid having been cut off from the supplies lines by us to ensure our own are taken care of. And if that is not trouble enough, the King and parliament have not seen fit to prevent the formation of the backcountry militia and now unified those pitiful farmers are placing pressure on the Royal Government to increase military and legal representation back there in the dark corner of our colony.
                Therefore, we are to call for the unification of the Low Country Militia under the guise that we were responding to the rise of those seditious back country folks in support of the King. Yet, this unification and its patrols will allow us to better smuggle in goods from other countries (AKA France) along the coast and provide a vehicle to ensure goods make it to our relatives in the back country keeping them aligned with our goals. We will also petition those Sons of Liberty in the North and begin tightening our support of their agenda by funding their movement secretly. These actions will be successful because:
                1. Making a financial connection with the Sons of Liberty secretly will cover us if things go South… Pun intended.
                2. The Cherokee have plenty of reasons to attack with their dependence on our finished goods and the fact that the back-country folks are violating the Proclamation Line. As a result, organizing the low country militia will seem sensible to the King, and a display of Loyalty which he would expect.

                Parts of the above two arguments conflict, and resolve that, I will extract that specific part and do a roll off.  The rest of the arguments are not dependent on it.

                The Backcountry Farmers argue that the Cherokee threat is tamped down while the Low Country Planters argue it is increased.  I do a roll off between the two until one fails and one succeeds.

                I judge the Low COuntry argument that there is increased Cherokee activity as STRONG and the Backcountry argument that it is tamped down as MODERATE.  My reasons are:

                1) As established in the player briefings, the backcountry farmers are already violating the proclamation line of 1763 and violating Cherokee territory.
                2) Increased Backcountry militia activity that started last turn is concerning to them.  

                After the roll off the result is the Cherokee begin to raid into the back country.

                Parliament - Strong, SUCCESS

                We will influence the frontier militia’s towards the crown by increasing the integration of colonial militia with the Kings Own Armed Forces (praise be).
                Redcoat junior officers who volunteer will remain in the colonies to help provide training and guidance, as well as proper ideological loyalty towards the Crown. This will work because:
                1. Our army, mighty as it is, can be a touch stifling to creative and free-thinking officers. Giving them opportunities in the new world will increase army loyalty as a whole and set a good example for the militia men.
                2. We have plenty of leftover gun powder and muskets from the war that we’d sooner not ship home. Hand it out sparingly to entice volunteers without spending a dime.
                3. Being visibly concerned with the defense and well-being of the Crown will reassure the population that we have their best interests in mind as Subjects of the Crown.

                Royal Governor - Moderate, FAIL

                Smuggling is still rampant within the colony and this cannot be tolerated! It flaunts the authority of the King and lawful government and it fails to bring in revenue that the government desperately needs. But, Parliament is taking a soft approach and refusing t provide more enforcement resources, so the Royal Governor must take action!

                He will create a new customs enforcement organization called the "Royal Auxiliaries" recruited from the lower classes in the low country and men from the back country to patrol the harbors and inlets and catch smugglers. This will be funded by the Royal AUxiliaries keeping 50% of the value of anything they seized from smugglers. There will be no appeal for this process except to the royal Governor.

                This will succeed in reducing smuggling and increasing tax revenues back to Parliment, and Parliment will tacitly approve of this by not interfering.

                This will succeed becaue:
                1) The men recruited will be highly motivated to sieze smuggler's good by the huge financial reward ad they will want to stick it to the planter's anyway.
                2) The lower class men from the Low Country know the area and the harbors and inlets, so will be very effective.
                3) Even if the "Royal Auxiliary" keeps 100% of what they seize and do not report it, their activity will encourage lawful import through Charles Town harbor
                4) Parliament will not interfere and let this happen because tax revenues will increase, but the enforcement is being done by other colonists and not by direct agents of the crown or military, so the optics are better.